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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Love failure-solutions

          What we guys think and should do when we broke up with our partner.
 Firstly I am going to explain this by standing once on boy's side and next by girl's side.
Actually there are many times of break ups.

Many of us may have experienced this atleast once in a life time.We see a person,suddenly he/she will become very close to heart even without talking to them even once.We start loving them heartfully and unconditionally but never show our feelings directly.We will search for ways for talking with them or spending time with them.We will really show a different behavior when we are with them.Normally our friends can find this change.We will convince ourselves to do anything for them.We will feel really jealous when he/she talks closely with opposite gender people other than you.We imagine our future with them.

Types of love failures:
There are basically four types of love failures.

  • Failure due to shyness:
This type of stories generally end even without proposing him/her.You wait for him/her themselves to come and propose you which actually dont happen.You will try to propose them many times and when the time comes your heart skips a beat after seeing them and you forget the entire thing.

Really this is the best love story one can have.The feeling of loving a person morethan yourself is really amazing.Whether they love you or not is secondary.

  • Failure due to mutual ego:
This type of love stories end with the partners ego.Both know that they love eachother.but the problem is they are the own villains of their love story and they will never propose waiting for the other one to come and propose which is the same case on the other side also.

This is really a worst love story one can have.You are really not fit for love.
  Try selling your ego.you may earn a lot of money.
  • Failure due to the rejection:

Really this is the best method to prove yourself in life and show him/her what they really missed.Sad fact is that many of the people will gain negative feelings on their partner and they suddenly grow aversion on them.This should be really avoided.

There is always a special one for everyone.If you cant find one either they will find you or god will find them

  • Failure due to misunderstandings:
I feel really pity when I see these type of people.They have found acceptance on both the sides which in many cases is not possible.
   But they have ruined it with misunderstandings.Personally meeting and talking will solve many problems.Try to do it.

Misunderstandings are really microscopic when compared with love.Dont let a micro organism called misunderstanding ruin your entire system called love

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